Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Health care Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 5

Health care - Essay Example There are volunteers who are assigned to have a substantial commitment for several months, whereby they are expected to serve for at least four to three hours daily every week. Moreover, the volunteers learn about the medical profession, and they become a part of the team, which is dedicated to offering high quality health care services. The clinic has breast cancer survivors and advocates of breast cancer awareness, who are inspired by their memories to treat patients with personalized attention, by the use of diagnosis and treatment approaches (The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, 2012). The Women’s clinic receives government funding to support their health care programs such as campaigns for creating awareness of breast cancer. The federal funding supports the clinic in acquiring the required equipment in order to offer quality health care services. The clinic faces the challenge of obtaining substantial funds in order to cover for expenses incurred in the process of delivering heath care services. Moreover, the acquisition of financial resources from various sources may take a long process that may derail the effort of offering quality health care services. The clinic is faced by a challenge of managing diversity in the organization, since there are different professional in the organizations, who have different cultures and ethnic background. Therefore, there is a problem of the language barrier, which has a negative impact on communication (Bickell, Shastri & Fei, 2008). By being a charity-based clinic, it has to depend on donations from interested individuals and organizations. These donations are not reliable since there is no stipulated moment that the clinic receives the donations, and they cannot predetermine the mount, thus resulting to a problem when budgeting. The emotional chances in the environment related to the effort to

Monday, February 10, 2020

Wastewater Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Wastewater Management - Essay Example With the increase in population, the demand for water has increased drastically over the years. As a matter of fact, besides the water that is locked in the glaciers and icecaps, about 97 % of the fresh water is in the lakes, rivers, streams, and groundwater. The pollution of these water resources is a serious concern all over the world. As the number of industries is increasing, growing volumes of industrial wastewater are being discharged to surface waters. Due to the lack of funds and proper initiatives, the treatment provided is usually poor to protect the desired uses of the receiving waters. Before getting into the principal steps involved in industrial wastewater treatment, it is important to understand that reducing the generation of waste through proper management of resources could be an easier step than treating the effluents. Thus, through this process, the companies will benefit from the reduced input cost or the expenditure on raw materials and also reduces the wastewater treatment costs. It also improves the efficiency and the working conditions in the industry. Industries that use large amounts of water for processing have the potential to pollute waterways. Industrial waste consists of both organic and inorganic substances. Organic wastes include pesticide residues, solvents and cleaning fluids, dissolved residue from fruit and vegetables, and lignin from pulp and paper industry. Effluents can also contain inorganic wastes such as salts and heavy metals. When these effluents are released into the water bodies without proper treatment, it can cause serious damage to the ecosystem. Besides, it can also affect the people who use this water for drinking or any other household purposes. It is therefore essential that the industrial effluents are treated to high standards before they are released.