Sunday, December 29, 2019

Thomas Hobbes State of Nature in Leviathan Essay

For centuries, political theory was dominated by the idea that people are not equal. This idea that some were good for some things and not for others massively shaped the theories that grew from them. However, in Thomas Hobbes Leviathan we see a departure from this inequality. The argument of people being equal and the state of man that he develops from that belief are central not only to his own theory but to the world of political science today. It is his examination of people being equal, followed by the state of nature and war, and finally his look at various laws of nature that lead a natural path to his political solution. Hobbes assertion that all people are equal is no small departure from past political philosophy. It indeed is†¦show more content†¦This equality of people is also the basis for the nature of humans together in societies. While Hobbes works on an assumption that a person is not selfish or violent until they must interact with others this argument is o ne that is nearly pointless. It is impossible at this point in human evolution for us to be that alone. It is also hard to fathom in the span of human existence that such a state ever truly existed in nature. His basic argument is that this state of equality makes humans naturally distrustful and because of this distrust, they will end up going to war with one another. His thoughts on men going to war or quarreling with one another are easily summed up on page 185 of Leviathan So that in the nature of man, we find three principall causes of quarrell. First, Competition; Secondly, Diffidence; Thirdly, Glory The first, maketh men invade for Gain; the second, for Safety; and the third, for Reputation. (Hobbes Macpherson, 1968). Hobbes believes that this comes entirely out of the fact that all people are equal. It is in fact this argument that equality causes war that brings Hobbes to government. For the main purpose of government for him is to avoid this natural state of war. He says that ... it is manifest, that during the time men live without a common Power to keep them all in awe, they are in thatShow MoreRelatedThomas Hobbes State of Nature in Leviathan Essay847 Words   |  4 PagesAccording to the view Thomas Hobbes presents within the selected passaged in the Leviathan, we live in a narcissistic society where man’s condition is primarily driven by ego and where the achievement of personal goals is deemed paramount. Within the State of Nature that is, outside of civil society we have a right to all things ‘even to one another’s body’, and there would be no agreed authority to ensure the moral grounds of our decisions. 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English philosopher Thomas Hobbes proclaimed that, â€Å"A state of nature is a state of war.† By this, Hobbes means that every human being, given the absence of government or a contract between other members of a society, would act in a war-like state in which each man would be motivated by desires derived solely with the intention of maximizing his own utilityRead MoreThomas Hobbes : The Age Of Reason1313 Words   |  6 Pages11/20/14 2 Thomas Hobbes Thomas Hobbes was a political philosopher who lived at the beginning of the Enlightenment period, also known as The Age of Reason. He lived during a time when England was experiencing a lot of political conflict between the king and Parliament. (Green-Heffern) This was also a time when many questions existed about how to rule a country and what made a good government. Thomas Hobbes’ Elements of Law (1640), his analysis of the Social Contract and his major work Leviathan (1651)

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Medical Assistant - 777 Words

Mahan 2 EDU 0100 (A) Ms. Smith March 11, 2013 â€Å"Five Keys to Professionalism as an Medical Assistant.† Why Be a Professional in Medical Assistant ? A Medical Assistant (MA) is an integral member of the health care delivery team, qualified by education and experience to work in the administrative office, the examining room and the physician office laboratory. The Medical Assistant, also a liaison between the doctor and the patient, is of vital importance to the success of the medical practice. When you are a Professional in MA you will enjoy Pride, Respect, and Opportunities that others will not. There are â€Å"Five Keys to becoming a Professional in Medical Assistant.† Character Your Character is who you†¦show more content†¦MAs understand that service to others is the highest calling one can have. They respond by doing work that is useful and helpful to others. Excellence Medical Assistant strive to be the best they can be. They push to do the best work they can do. Being a professional Medical Assistant you listen when others are speaking. Give them the courtesy of their undivided attention. Pay attention to the matter at hand. They do not let their thoughts wander. MAs always find out what is expected of them and find a way to do it properly. Competency MAs acquire the skills necessary to do their job properly, professional, and with great dexterity. They realize that to become an expert at what they do, they must matter all aspects of their craft. To do this they must obtain training, education, and experience. Because most employers prefer graduates who graduated from an accredited Medical Assisting program. Mahan 4 Accredited Medical Assisting programs are offered in postsecondary vocational schools, junior colleges and in colleges and universities. Postsecondary programs usually last either one year or less which results in a certificate or diploma or two years with an associate degree. 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Thursday, December 12, 2019

Management of Bellamy

Question: Discuss about the the impact of baby food Products of Bellamy Company in Singapore. Answer: Introduction Strategic management is a process of managing business operations successfully to reach profound destination. The managers and other supervisors take the initiatives to implement certain specialised technologies for the purpose of making their organisation a good one in the market. Here, in this report it has been focused on the strategic management process of Bellamy Company in order to specify their target market. Report also draws the attention towards the PESTLE analysis and VRIO analysis of Bellamy Company for highlighting its factors and technologies in the current market of Australia. Finally, this report seeks the attention towards the strategies for recommending suitable steps for avoiding conflicts. PESTLE analysis Political Bellamy Company is an inorganic food industry for infants and therefore it is necessary to look into the standard of the location for maintaining good health of the children and infants. As opined by Andreeva and Kianto (2016, p.1), non volatile political environment in Australia over the past few decades, has contributed in a significant growth in the food industry of Australia resulting 32% of total value of consumer foodservice. Bellamy thus operates in a stable political environment, where their various business activities do not receive much hindrance in complying with the government legislations. However, Competition and Consumer Act, 2010 allowed ACCC in analysing prices of products under guidance of government. Promotion of pricing, checking price rise and making accountability of organisations for pricing policy are the different provisions of this act (, 2017). Federal tax incentives allow a successive growth in economy of Australia. As a result, organisations like Bellamy that are operating in the country face much convenience in gaining profit in its business. The government of Australia has can formulate controls of exchange for currency protection as stated by Reserve Bank of Australia. According to Booth (2015, p.521), Anti-money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing Act, 2006 provides financial intelligence in eliminating illegal financing and money laundering in the nation. This helps the organisations in the country to operate their business activities in a corruption free environment. As per Chen and Kodono (2014, p.429), the tax facilities such low tax income rates have successfully made this country a profound and standard one to organise business operations. Economical Australia for consecutive three years is happiest nation of world among developed economies, because of economical strength. As per Eden and Ackermann (2013, p.67), economy in Australia portrays GDP growth rate annually of approximately 2.9% before 2009. Prevalence of suchhigh standard economic condition in the country have assisted Bellay to increase their profit are share price in the stock market. On the contrary, the nation faced an economic downfall of 0.8% in growth rate after the international financial crisis in 2014 (Hill, Jones, and Schilling, 2014, p.52). In order to improve and develop business organisations it is essential to make the financial growth stable, fiscal properties strong, inflation rates and that is called the financial business framework and it is available in Australian market (refer to appendix). In current times it has been observed that government has invested huge facilities in order to diversify the economic condition of Australian market for making it standard for developing business organisations. Islam and Mamun (2017, p.4) stated that economy in Australia is retaining a positive growth from 0.8% to 2.3% in 2015. This has affirmatively impacted on Bellamy to increase their business in terms of profit. Food service market has faced a considerable growth that has caused a high amount of customers to avail service of this sector. This has acted as evidence that Australian population in no way is ready to compromise with the culture of eating. As per latest consumer trend, most people are moving into fast food business because of tough financial environment thus increasing business of organisations like Bellamy. Figure: 1 increasing price chart (Source:, 2017) Social Social life is preliminary composed of the lifestyle, trends, culture and living habits of the people in nation. However, it has been found that the young generation people follows the western culture and for those business organisations also follows their strategies to grab their attention (Knott, 2015, p.1806). For the context of Bellamy Company, it has been observed that in order to satisfy the need of the customers for adhering infant food materials in order to urge social factors increasingly for good productivity. However, the labour market is characterized with promotions that are based on income of the evaluated on the basis of annual average. On the contrary, Kolios, Read and Ioannou (2016, p.63) opined that the young generation is mainly focussing on the take away orders driven by the culture and trends of the society. This has caused effectiveness in the business of Bellamy as they have significantly restricted their business in the production of baby food and competition is less in this sector. Technological Proper application systems, blender, JBT technologies and automation technologies are required to enhance baby food production. Information communication technology has been a driving factor of economic and innovation growth of Australia. This drives the organizations to maintain high budget range on information technology since their main aim is reaching online supplier community and customers. As per Kolios et al. (2016, p.59), the most important technological factors that is essential for the increasing productivity of the business organisation is the need of increasing connectivity and social marketing facilities. Increasing connectivity improves knowledge for production of baby food items and social marketing helps in exploring business operations. Technology is assisting in modifying the delivery process of food to customers that allows cost effectiveness, competence in pricing and online shopping. This has cause a rise in burden for different companies that are trying to match themselves with the up gradation of technology. However, in the context of Bellamy Company, it is essential to produce good food products for infants for their development and healthy growth and therefore organisations need proper nutrients, processing applications and authentic products. Pestle et al. (2014, p.44) informed that customers do not compromise with the quality of food when it comes to baby products. Hence, Bellamy has chosen to upgrade them as per the technological advancements of the country in order to produce high quality infant formula milk. Legal In the perspective of OECD, on aspects of market entry hindrances and foreign investment, Australia ranks the least among the other OECD nations. In addition to this, Sakas et al. (2014, p.187) opined that certain regulatory and business settings are required to develop the industrial growth of organisations like Bellamy Company. There are several jurisdictions prevalent in the country related to the misuse or low quality production of food especially when it comes to the matter of baby food or milk. New entrants as well as existing organisations in Australian economy, are obliged to register with Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) in complying with Corporations Act, 2001 (, 2017). However, in this context E-commerce programming plays a vital role in developing the service quality of business organisations by introducing new policies in the year 1996. According to Zalengera et al. (2014, p.341) the legal acts that are necessary for maintaining business operations are transactions act 1999, intellectual property rights act 2015 and tax issues and amendments act 2014. Environmental Environmental factors are the most important part of generating good health and better lifestyle for people. As mentioned by Vestbo et al. (2013, p.367), in the context of producing baby food items for their growth and maintenance it is necessary to crosscheck the environmental provisions. For establishing business operations in Bellamy Company, it is necessary to be aware of anti pollution works which plays a great role in baby food productivity. In order to produce baby food products, there are inclusion of many things that should be kept in mind are proper nutrition, good and healthy food ingredients, original materials and good quality products. Sustainable consumption of various industrial products is a crucial environmental factor that is needed to be considered by Bellamy. In addition to this, Australian government focuses on the minimal emission as well as waste production during manufacture of food in Australia. As per the government norms, companies need to make maximum utilisation of their resources in order to prolong a health waste management system. Emission control policies are also noted by the government order to provide a clean and healthy environment to the citizens. GOODS 2007 2016 Fresh milk $ 2.63 $ 2.81 Infant milk $ 25.42 $ 56.06 Cheese $ 3.89 $ 3.89 Hen eggs $ 1.69 $ 1.69 Ordinary white breads $ 1.21 $ 1.21 Table 1: Increasing price rates (Source: Zalengera et al. 2014, p.335) Thus, from the above macro analysis of the Australian food sector, a conclusion can be drawn as to what are the probable opportunities and threats Bellamy face otr might face in operating their organisation related to baby milk production. VRIO analysis Valuable The valuable products that are necessary for baby food production are proper nutrition, organic healthy food items including iron and hygienic components of food (Zalengera et al. 2014, p.335). In this context, Australia has made its country authentic in order to provide valuable products by implementing maximum resource materials that are required for good production. Food items that are rich in healthy food category are shortlisted in this context to make it more valuable and authentic. Stark (2014, p.10) said that the price rates of valuable food items of baby food products should be maintained at reasonable price so that it becomes affordable for all economic classes. Price is not a much important factor in Australia as it is a developed country. However, the preliminary need for Bellamy is to maintain high standard of production of baby milk that is rich in all necessary proteins and vitamins required for an infant. The resources of baby food products are also expensive however, resources include, dairy products pasteurised products and infant cereals. Due to these issues identified from above discussion, it has made Bellamy Company influenced to achieve their success by selling good food products for attracting large number of customers. Rare Bellamy Company has innovative methods for preparing baby food products which are different from others such as this company produces its products with high efficiency and taste. Andreeva and Kianto (2016, p.8) opined that baby food products are very limited and rare as it is in high need for the babies as well as requires much rare high quality resources to produce the food product. In this case, Bellamy Company produces its products through susie burrells cheesy vegetable pikelets in order to make it delicious, stuffed tomatoes for new taste, green pesto for healthy habits and fresh vegetables and fruits. Competitors of Bellamy like Blackmore and A2M are not been able to produce such high quality baby food with the usage of the above mentioned rare resources.In this way, baby food products of Bellany are different from other competitors and they are gaining competitive advantage in the Australian market over the other rival companies. Inimitable It has been found that the products that are made by Bellamy Company cannot be imitated easily as it produces its products with high potentiality and efficiency and they also use a formula ADH and DHA for their production and that cannot be easily imitated. Competitors of Bellamy in the Australian market are not been able to gather information about the rare resources used by the company as mentioned above as well as they are not being able to cope up with the affordable price that Bellamy is offering in the market. Thus, it is very difficult to imitate the products of Bellamy Company as it rich in high resources which help in better growth of baby such as cereals, stuffed vegetables and fresh fruits. As per Booth (2015, p.55), to achieve competitive advantage Bellamy Company should minutely focus on its productivity and also enhance their resources for increasing high reputation in the market than the competitors. PRODUCTS DUMAX DULAC NESTLE APTAMIL FRISALAC ENFAMIL DHA (mg) 18.3 10.4 17 9.6 13.1 ARA (mg) 18.3 10.4 17 9.6 26 ADH (g) 129.4 80.4 57.6 70.9 54.1 OMEGA 6 (mg) 1.5 0.73 0.67 0.51 0.69 PREBIOTICS (g) 0 0 0.98 0.47 0.23 Table 2: Infant formula (Source: Knott, 2015, p.1806) Organised The existing management of Bellamy Company can achieve all the success in this regard by maintaining high resources and high productivity senses for baby food production. As per Eden and Ackermann (2013, p.67), it is necessary for an organisation to incorporate all the positive factors of manufacturing a product, making it valuable, rare, inimitable as well as organised in order to make it highly effective and potentiality in existing management system. Change in processes as well as management system is always welcomed, therefore, a change in management system of Bellamy Company is required in order to make it more specific and authentic. Recommendations Bellamy needs to incorporate sufficient waste management system in their organisation in order to reduce waste production The company can implement the idea of recycling of waste products. Bellamy is not subjected to enough usage of technology in their organisation that has caused immense pressure on workers. Use of advanced technology can help them in reducing labour pressure as well as make the production time effective. Conclusion It has been analysed that Strategic management is a process of formulating and implementing goals in order to achieve success. Furthermore, it has also been discussed above about the systems and procedures of preparing baby milk products in order to make it distinctive from other competitors of Bellamy Company. Hence, in order to maintain proper health of the children and infants it is necessary to provide good and healthy food items for their proper growth and development. References Andreeva, T. and Kianto, A.,(2016), September. 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Thursday, December 5, 2019

Leadership Styles and Patient Safety for Nurses -myassignmenthelp

Question: Write about theLeadership Styles and Patient Safety for Nurses. Answer: Nurses play a major role in the health setting and the manner in which they are managed by their leaders affects their performance and patient outcomes. The nurse leaders have the responsibility of establishing a culture of patient safety and this is greatly influenced by the kind of leadership style they choose. Effective nurse managers ensure that the best resources and manpower are sufficiently utilized in order to realize optimal patient outcomes and quality of care. They use appropriate leadership styles to do so and also to attract and retain the top-performing nurses. There are various leadership styles that have a major impact on patient safety such as transactional, transformational, democratic, laissez-faire and authoritarianstyles (Frankel PGCMS, 2017). This essay will focus on transformational, transactional and laissez-faire types of leadership and the various ways they affect patient safety in healthcare. Patient safety is an important principle in healthcare and it refers to the reduction of risk of medical errors and negative effects to patients. It is a discipline that emphasizes mainly on safety in healthcare which is achieved through reduction, prevention and reporting of unnecessary errors that lead to adverse effects (World Health Organization, 2016). This is greatly influenced by the type of leadership style used by nurse leaders who are in a better position to control the healthcare environment. Generally, all leadership styles have their own place and a good leader ought to know the most appropriate one to be implemented at a particular situation. The chosen style has an impact on the nurses performance and this can be seen through patient satisfaction and safety, the levels of medication and recording errors, patient falls, hospital-acquired infedtions and patient mortality rates (Wong, 2015). According to James McGregor Burns, transformational leaders engage with their subordinates in a manner that both the leaders and followers boost one another to greater levels of morality and motivation (Fischer, 016). Therefore, transformational leadership can be defined as a style in which the leaders conduct inspires and transforms the followers. Leadership is by example. The leaders are proactive and motivate their followers to strive for greater performance. The followers feel encouraged to perform beyond the levels of expectations and to put the good of the organization before their self-interests. This style embraces inspirational motivation which entails the provision of a vision for the future by the leader to their followers and motivating them to exceed the levels of expectations. Additionally, it includes intellectual stimulation which replaces the conventional assumptions and beliefs with a novel culture. The leader is always concerned with the skills and needs of each of their followers and this can be termed as individualized consideration (Yoder-Wise, 2014). Transactional leadership is a style whereby the leader encourages compliance with rules amongst their followers using rewards and punishments. Those who follow the set rules and instructions and manage to achieve the set goals are rewarded appropriately. Conversely, those that fail to obey and achieve the set goals are punished. This style majorly focuses on supervision of followers, ensuring that the organization runs effectively and improving group achievements. The leader pays attention to the followers performance in order to find deviations or fault. Transactional leadership is suitable in times of crisis and emergency cases and also when highly detailed tasks need to be done in a specific manner (Lorber, Treven Mumel, 2016). In laissez-faire leadership, the leader gives little or no instructions or supervision and takes a hands-off approach. They prefer to let their followers do what they have to do on their own, probably believing that they will perform without guidance. Although it promotes independence, this style can have many adverse effects. First, crucial decisions are not made on time and positive changes rarely take place in the organization. Quality improvements are made only when the situation demands so. This approach is often used by inexperienced or new leaders who are still learning or by transitional leaders who believe that things will be dealt with by their incoming replacements (Lorber, Treven Mumel, 2016). The above leadership styles have different impacts on patient safety. To begin with, transformational leadership has been greatly associated with improved safety and reduced adverse effects in the healthcare setting. When this approach is used, things are done more carefully as followers are determined to go beyond the usual level of expectations. In a number of studies previously conducted, it has been related to reduced patient mortality rates as well as reduced medication errors (Vaismoradi,Griffiths, Turunen Jordan, 2016). The style has also been related to reduced patient falls. Additionally, studies have reported that this style is related to fewer cases of hospital-acquired infections. Patients tend to receive quality carein a safe climate. It has also been identified with increased patient satisfaction in the home health care and acute care settings. Since the leader leads by example and motivates followers to exceed their expected levels of performance, there is reduced sta ff turnover trends as compared to other styles. Generally, it has been considered to be a style that has positive contributions to a safer climate in healthcare (Hutchinson Jackson, 2013). On the other hand, the laissez-faire style of leadership has been seen to have a negative effect on unit socialization as it cultivates a culture of blame among the followers. Subsequently, this has a negative effect on patient safety. Due to the lack of directions and supervision, there are several cases of medication errors, patient falls and hospital-acquired infections (Merril, 2015). Transactional leadership has its focus on the reward system of nursing tasks instead of the holistic nature of organizing, facilitating and communicating evidence-based care. The focus shifts from patient safety and outcomes and followers are determined to complete the assigned tasks and acquire the conceptualized reward. This style may put the patients safety at risk and its effectiveness has not been proven in the provision of quality care. Besides this, the positive effects of transactional leadership are short-lived and the leader only intervenes when something goes wrong (Wong, Cummings Duchar me, 2013). However, in a case where the transactional leader sets clear expectations for their subordinates, this style plays a significant role in engaging the nurses in patient safety efforts. It also helps to ensure that the followers adhere to the set safety policies since obedience calls for a reward. An effective transactional leader is vigilant and monitors performance to ensure that there are no conditions that endanger the patients safety (Grossman Valiga, 2016). In conclusion, the essay has discussed on the transformational, transactional and laissez-faire types of leadership and the various ways they affect patient safety in healthcare. In this case, it is the role of nurse leaders to ensure that patient safety is upheld. To this end, they need to choose the most suitable style of leadership and as evidently seen, transformational leadership is the most effective. The transformational leadership conduct of nurse leaders will encourage the staffs attitude towards safety guidelines and this will influence their compliance with patient safety practices. In return, there will be reduced patient mortality, erroneous medication, patient falls and hospital-acquired infections. On the other hand, laissez-faire style of leadership has a negative effect on patient safety. Transactional leadership can promote patient safety if appropriately used and when the leaders are vigilant and strict enough to ensure that safety guidelines are adhered to. A good leader should know when to use a certain leadership style by first assessing the situation and then determining the best style. References Fischer, S. A. (2016). Transformational leadership in nursing: a concept analysis. Journal of advanced nursing, 72(11), 2644-2653. Frankel, A., PGCMS, R. (2017). What leadership styles should senior nurses develop? Hospital, 10 00. Grossman, S., Valiga, T. M. (2016). The new leadership challenge: Creating the future of nursing. FA Davis. Hutchinson, M, M., Jackson, D. (2013). Transformational leadership in nursing: towards a more critical interpretation. Nursing inquiry, 20(1), 11-22. Lorber, M., Treven, S., Mumel, D. (2016). The Examination of Factors Relating to the Leadership Style of Nursing Leaders in Hospitals. Our economy, 62(1), 27-36. Merril, K. C. (2015). Leadership style and patient safety: implications for nurse managers. Journal of Nursing Administration, 45(6), 319-324. Vaismoradi, M., Griffiths, P., Turunen, H., Jordan, S. (2016). Transformational leadership in nursing and medication safety education: a discussion paper. Journal of nursing management, 24(7), 970-980. World Health Organization. (2016). Patient safety assessment manual. Wong, C. A. (2015). Connecting nursing leadership and patient outcomes: state of the science. Journal of nursing management, 23(3), 275-278. Wong, C. A., Cummings, G. G., Ducharme, L. (2013). The relationship between nursing leadership and patient outcomes: a systematic review update. Journal of nursing management, 21(5), 709-724. Yoder-Wise, P. S. (2014). Leading and Managing in Nursing-E-Book. Elsevier Health Sciences.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Analysis and performance for football Essay Example

Analysis and performance for football Essay I feel that Fernando Torres is one of the best strikers currently playing, so I have decided to base my analysis of performance on him. One of the reasons why Torres is an extremely strong player is because he has very good agility. He is able to change direction and speed very quickly, enabling him to dodge players and get past them. Weaker players are not able to do this because they don’t have good enough agility. An interval or fartlek training session would be appropriate to help weaker players improve at changing speeds. Torres also is good at all aspects of the game and can show a variety of techniques; for example dribbling, passing, turning with the ball, tackling and shooting. He is at the autonomous stage of learning a skill, therefore performing the skill becomes natural and involves very little thought, unlike the stage intermediates would be at which is associative. Intermediates would need feedback to progress and to get to the autonomous stage, which only the best get to. Torres also shows he has motor skills by moving and controlling muscles effectively in order to sprint and get the ball. This is related to co-ordination – as soon as players with good motor skills see the ball, their body automatically repositions themselves to be in the right place. He shows he has cognitive skills by thinking about where other players are positioned in relation to him and deciding what to do with the ball. It also helps him to use space effectively, by running off the ball to create space and then to move into space later on. We will write a custom essay sample on Analysis and performance for football specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Analysis and performance for football specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Analysis and performance for football specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Torres has gross motor abilities of speed, stamina and explosive strength. Speed is important so he can beat players to the ball and then keep it. Someone playing in a less advanced team would not have a high enough level of skill to be able to dribble with the ball at speed and keeping it under control. A good practice session for this is to use a rope ladder, and to get the players to step both feet in and out of each section as quickly as possible. His stamina (including muscular and cardiovascular endurance) enables him to keep performing to the highest standard for the full 90 minutes. I think this is a weak aspect of my own game. To improve, I could go for regular long low intensity runs to improve my cardiovascular endurance. Finally, his explosive strength helps him to make sudden sprints for the ball. This also requires good fitness, and intermediate players may not have the required endurance to be able to do this for the full 90 minutes. A good practice to improve explosive strength in football is to use fartlek training, where you do a low intensity jog and then a short sprint continuously. Torres’ recovery time is also very important, as it must be quick so he is able to use his explosive strength to the highest level all the time. Psychomotor abilities are also very important for Torres, especially reaction time (in order to respond quickly to intercept the ball) and aiming (so the player can pass and shoot accurately). A good practice drill to improve reaction time is where two players stand by cones a few metres away from each other. The ball is placed in the middle, and when they hear the whistle they have to run towards the ball and the first person to get to it has to get past the other player. This not only improves reaction time, but also the first touch on the ball and explosive strength. Unlike intermediate players, Torres has the ability to make the skill he is performing more self-paced, which is something I am unable to do. For example, when trying to get past a defender, he can decide when to complete the skill because he has great control over the ball. For learners or intermediates, then the skill will be more externally paced, because they are not completely in control. Football includes lots of open skills. For example, before performing the skill, you have to take into consideration where the other players are positioned, what the surface you’re playing on is like and what is happening at the time, for example, if you’re in the attacking half or the defending half. You constantly need to adapt what you’re doing to suit the changing environment. It is best to learn these skills in a closed environment in order to get the basics right, then move onto an open environment so you can improve and get ready for a game situation. Football also involves interactive skills because you are constantly interacting and having contact with other players, and you need to work as a team in order to win the game.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Establishing a Claim in Negligence The WritePass Journal

Establishing a Claim in Negligence Introduction Establishing a Claim in Negligence Jennifer Hallam parked her car opposite the knight’s plaza building where on return to her car she noticed damage to the car. On enquiring from shop owners she was informed that this was due to light reflecting from the building. Jennifer returned the next day and investigated and established this is the case. T Knight Group (TKG) owe a duty of care to Jennifer as the neighbour principle clearly applies to her on the basis that the Jennifer would have been so closely affected by the actions of TKG that they ought reasonably to have had her in their contemplation. TKG would thus have been under a duty to ensure that reasonable care was being taken in order to avoid any harm or damage to third partied caused by their actions. Nevertheless, this could be disputed by TKG as they may be able to demonstrate that the breach of duty did not occur as a result of their own actions. This is because the architects or the structural engineers could instead be held responsible for the desi gn fault. This situation has been seen around the world and also in the UK. Under section 79 of the environmental protection act 1990 the local authority may take action to ensure the nuisance is stopped. There is no reported case in England and Wales in which a Court has been required to determine reflection of sunlight. However in New Zealand this was the case and was seen in Bank of New Zealand v greenwood[11]. This would amount to an actionable tort of nuisance. Here the high Court of New Zealand held that reflected light can constitute an actionable nuisance. In Hunter v Canary Wharf Ltd[12] the Lords considered the New Zealand case and although they said that it was most unusual they did in fact regard the decision as ‘eminently sensible’ and ‘admirable’. In light of this, it could therefore be said that Jennifer’s actions is likely to be successful if the Courts in the UK follow suit. If the Courts do find that there has been a breach, it is likely that they will then be able to establish that the breach caused the harm and was not too remote so as to prevent an action in negligence. This is because, if TKG successful argue that they the architects or the structural engineers are to blame for the damage, then the standard of care will be that based upon their ex pertise; Wilsher v Essex[13]. And, architects and structural engineers will be required to have a reasonable expectation of the risks involved with this type of project and ought to have known of the dangers. Rahim Rahim Khan has stated that he has suffered a financial loss due to the dazzling sun and high temperatures that are created when the sun reflects off the Knights Plaza Building and onto the pavement outside his shop. There is generally no duty of care owed to individuals to avoid causing others to suffer an economic loss. The economic loss must not relate to personal injury or damage to property as in Spartan Steel Alloys Ltd v Martin[14]. Nevertheless, in Hedley Byrne co v Heller[15] the House of Lords held that economic loss could be caused by negligence misstatement rather than a negligent act, although it is unlikely to apply here. In Linklaters Business Services v Sir Robert McAlpine[16], however, it was noted by the Court that; â€Å"It may well be arguable in the case of complex structures that one element of the structure should be regarded for the purpose of the application and the principles [regarding economic loss] as distinct from another element, so that damage to one part of the structure caused by a hidden defect in another part may qualify to be treated as damage to other property.† It will depend entirely upon the facts of the case as to whether a claim by Rahim will prove to be a success although it is questionable whether this will be established given the complexity of establishing pure economic loss. Thus, Rahim will have to demonstrate that the relationship between Rahim and TKG was sufficiently close for a claim to be ascertained for economic loss. This is unlikely to be established given that Rahim merely owns a nearby sandwich shop and so the requirements are unlikely to be satisfied here. In addition, Rahim also stated that his business has just reopened after health inspector closed it down after allegations of food poisoning. This could be significant as the loss could have been caused by the closure of the shop for 6 months. The chain of causation (novus actus interveniens) could have been broken by the fact the shop was closed. In certain cases, the chain of causation is capable of being broken by an intervening act. Therefore, the defendant may not be liable if the chain is broken by the intervening act even if there exists a duty of care as in Kirkham v Chief[17]. Thus, as put by Finch and Fafinski  Ã¢â‚¬Å"if the novus actus interveniens is sufficient to break the ch ain, then the defendant may not be liable despite being in breach of the duty of care.†[18] Accordingly, it is therefore unlikely that TKG will be found liable in tort for the loss that was suffered by Rahim since it is likely that the loss would have occurred regardless; The Oropesa[19]. Rahim is also being prosecuted having been caught on CCTV cameras throwing stones and subsequently causing damage to the Knights Plaza Building costing  £75,000. In common law Rahim would be found criminally liable for criminal damage under section 1 (1) of the Criminal Damage Act 1971 for destroying property that belonged to another with the intention or recklessness as to whether damage was caused. The fact that Rahim was caught on CCTV throwing stones at the building is sufficient enough to find him liable under this section. Accordingly, it is clear that Rahim had the intention to damage the property by throwing the stones as he was angry at TKG for the loss of profits in which he claims to have suffered. In addition, for criminal damage to be established, it does not have to be shown that the property is no longer usable. The fact that some damage was caused will be sufficient as in Roper v Knott[20]. Accordingly, Rahim will thus be found criminally liable for damaging the pro perty and causing  £75,000 worth of damage. Andy Pandy, Mandy Pandy and Muz Ahmed In deciding whether Darren is liable for the death of Andy Pandy and the injuries sustained by Mandy Pandy and Muz Ahmed, it will need to be considered whether Darran owed them a duty of care. Applying the Caparo test, it is evident that a duty of care was owed to Andy, Mandy and Muz. This is because all three of them can be considered to have a relationship of proximity to Darran that he ought to have had them in his contemplation. Hence, drivers owe a duty of care to pedestrians so it is evident that this part of the test will have been satisfied. Nevertheless, it is questionable whether Darran failed to take care given that the gust of wind is likely to have been unforeseeable and as such it would not be fair, just and reasonable to impose duty of care on him. In addition, although Darran caused the accident to occur it can be said that there was an intervening act that broke the chain of causation. This is because the accident would not have happened had it not been for the struc ture of the building and because these defects were known to the TKG since May 2013, they could have alleviated these problems by taking the necessary steps. In view of this, the TKG should be found liable for the death of Andy since they ought to have taken reasonable precautions to prevent the problem from occurring. Essentially, because they had not taken any steps to prevent the problem from occurring it is clear that they should be found liable as they would have owed Andy a duty of care, they were in breach of that duty and the breached caused the harm. The same will apply in relation to Mandy and Muz since it would not be fair, just and reasonable to impose liability on Darran for the psychiatric harm that was caused and so TKG ought to be held liable for this also. In order to establish a claim in negligence for psychiatric injury, all of the negligence requirements must first be satisfied. However, further difficulties will arise since Mandy and Muz will not be awarded compensation unless three additional requirements are satisfied; a) there was a close tie of love and affection between the parties; b) that the victim was close to the accident at the time, and c) that the accident was directly perceived.[21] It is likely that Mandy will be able to establish all three given that Andy was her brother, although it will be more difficult for Muz to demonstrate that there was a close tie of love and affection. In addition, it will also have to be shown that the harm or damage caused was reasonably foreseeable, which again will be like ly to prove complex; Alcock v Chief Constable of Yorkshire[22]. In Page v Smith[23], nonetheless, the defendant was found liable even though the claimant was not physically hurt the car crash that was caused by the defendant. Therefore, it is possible that both Mandy and Muz will be able to establish a claim against TKG as shown in Dulieu v White[24]. If it is shown that the harm is too remote, however, they will not be able to establish a claim. Conclusion Overall, it is likely that TKG will be found liable for the damage that has been caused to Jennifer’s car, the death of Andy and the psychiatric injury caused to Mandy and Muz, unless they can demonstrate that the architects and structural engineers are to blame. It is unlikely that Rahim’s claim will succeed and instead he will be found criminally liable for the damage caused to the building. Damages fall into two categories, pecuniary and non-pecuniary losses. Pecuniary losses are calculated into monetary terms whereas non-pecuniary losses are not. However, whether or not damages will be awarded will be dependent upon the remoteness of the harm or damage that was caused Bibliography Finch, E. and Fafinski, S. (2010) Law Express: Tort Law, 3rd Edition, Longman. Kidner, R. (2010) Casebook on Torts, 11th Edition. The Law Commission., ‘Liability for Psychiatric Illness’ (1998) Law Com No 249, 2. Cases Alcock v Chief Constable of Yorkshire [1992] 1 AC 310 Bank of New Zealand v greenwood [1984] 1 NZLR 525 Blythe v Birmingham Waterworks (1856) 11 Exch 781 Caparo Industries plc v Dickman [1990 1 All ER 568 Donoghue v Stevenson [1932] AC 562 Dorset Yacht Co Ltd v Home Office [1970] AC 1004 Glasgow Corp v Muir [1943] AC 448 Hedley Byrne co v Heller [1963] 3 WLR 101 Heaven v Pender (1883) 11 QBD 503  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Hunter v Canary Wharf Ltd [1997] 2 WLR 684 Kirkham v Chief [1990] 2 KB 283 Linklaters Business Services v Sir Robert McAlpine [2010] EWHC 1145 (TCC) Page v Smith [1996] AC 155 Roper v Knott [1898] 1 QB 868 R v White (1910) 2 KB 124 Spartan Steel Alloys Ltd v Martin [1972] 3 WLR 502 The Oropesa [1943] 1 All ER 211 Wilsher v Essex Area Health Authority [1988] AC 1074

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Hillside School Case Study Require Document Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Hillside School Require Document - Case Study Example Even with the after care system, fees that pupils pay in the drop-in basis vary depending on the length of time a student will stay and the level of stage a student is. For instance for preschoolers, time blocks exists from noon to 1:30 p.m., noon to 3:30 p.m. and noon to5:30 p.m. For kindergarten students, time blocks exist from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. and 1:30 for 5:30 p.m. For primary school students, the time is from 3:30–5:30 p.m. Even more complications exist in the sense that for pre-registered students not registered for the entire afternoon, the 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. blocks and 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. blocks can be utilized on a drop-in basis. The payment and for that matter billing system does not end with the above discussion. With the payment system, there are different payment options whereby parents who pay the entire amount by August 1 prior to the start of the school year enjoy a 5 percent discount on the total fee. Parents who pay over a 10-month period, starting July 1 prior to the start of the school year do not enjoy such discount. Discount also exists for parents who have more than one child enrolled at Hillside School. Because the payment system is generally cumbersome, the billing system is also very cumbersome and complicated. Presently, monthly bills for fees and â€Å"drop-in† care are due on the first of the month, and are distributed to parents one week prior to their being due. Parents with more than one child receive separate bills. The billing is done by the vice principal who is Susan. Susan does the billing using Microsoft Excel whereby she sets up a new workbook for each academic year. With in the workbook, she creates monthly worksheets to contain payment records. The Excel worksheet contains one line per student and looks somewhat like the diagram below. Manual entry is made for each student as and when payment is done. The entry for each student is updated twice each month, once to prepare the bills and once to record payment.